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桃常被作为福寿吉祥的象征,人们认为桃子是仙家的果实,吃了可以长寿,故对桃格外青睐。桃又有仙桃、寿桃的美称。《临汾县志》(民国癸酉年种植)上就有桃的记载,说明桃在当地有长久的栽培历史。新版本的《临汾市志》也记载:“邑人素有利用房、路、渠、河等零星地植树的习惯,民国8年(1919),在县城西门外汾河滩栽植榆树、柳树百余亩。民国22年在涝河渠河道绿化,柳树、桃树相间成行”。从2004年开始“临汾尧都?乡村风情桃花会”连续八年在当地召开,通过桃花会,搭建了农产品宣传平台,提升了农产品品牌效应,显著增加了农民收入。改革开放以来,贺家庄鲜桃产业有了较快的发展,形成了当地农民致富的一项重要产业 。一是种植模式发生变化。从一家一户种植发展为规模化的种植,实施集约化经营,提高了产出效益。二是品质进一步提高。不断引进外地的新品种,加快改良驯化,使品质得到普遍提高。三是形成了区域发展的趋势。尧都区政府大力支持这一优势产业,规划建设了以东部丘陵山区为主的10公里桃树绿色长廊。四是推进了产业化经营,引进了贮藏保鲜等技术,延长了鲜桃的供应期,鲜桃经过保存,可周年上市。五是加强了品牌效应,以贺家庄“风情桃花会”为代表,连续举办三月时节的桃花会和金秋时节的果实采摘节,使尧都鲜桃声誉传播三晋大地。目前,贺家庄乡已成为山西南部优质鲜桃的主要产地之一。


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    Elyn Y.
    - June 14, 2020
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    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Rick E.
    - June 14, 2020
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    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Timmi Y.
    - June 13, 2020
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    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Jack F.
    - June 05, 2020
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    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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