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莲藕,别名莲菜、藕、莲,原产于亚洲南部,在我国供食已有3000余年,有着悠久历史,是国人最喜食的常见水生蔬菜之一。《诗经》中己有描述莲菜的诗句。自古至今,描述、赞美莲藕的诗词、歌赋、文章、绘画等等,数不胜数。在其〈沟洫略〉篇中,记有“藕池泉在庄头村西 每昼夜所出水,均可灌田”;在其〈物产略〉篇中,记有“果属 莲藕 荸荠〈biqi〉近水田处有种者,形差小二味亦甘。果 有夏果、秋果二种”;在其〈方言略〉篇中,记有“莲菜谓之藕”;在其〈亭楼〉篇中,记有“清风亭 在察院莲花池上”;在其〈旧闻考〉祥异篇中,记有“明八年察院内莲开並头者二本,一时称异”、“清朝 顺治十一年莲並蒂 城南荷香亭畔,莲开並头,其茎挺出,馨艳异常,是年科名最盛”、“清朝 乾隆十七年六月 城南荷香亭,莲开並头”。由此可见,莲菜在襄汾已经有600余年种植历史;长期以来,在今襄汾县的原襄陵县一带民间,至今流传有河西三大宝“龙祠的韭芽、平阳的女娃、襄陵的藕瓜”。


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    Elyn Y.
    - June 14, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Rick E.
    - June 14, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Timmi Y.
    - June 13, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Jack F.
    - June 05, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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