
4 星好评SKU:

(1)产品各项理化指标及质量指标等必须符合中华人民共和国《GB/T 10458-2008 荞麦》各项规定。 

(2)外在感官特征: 广灵苦荞形状为圆三棱形或锥状三棱形,上有三棱三沟,沟棱相同,棱圆钝;籽粒色泽呈黑褐色或灰褐色;外皮微苦,无气味。 

(3)内在品质指标: 广灵苦荞果皮厚为103至148微米,皮壳约占果实重量的25%-30%;籽粒长度为4.21 mm至7.23mm,千粒重为12g至24g;蛋白质含量(%)为9.5至10.9; 总黄酮含量(mg/kg)为480至563;硒含量(mg/kg)为0.003至0.008;铁含量(mg/kg)为45至53.7;膳食纤维(%)为11.0至13.67。 

(4)安全要求 广灵苦荞产品外观特征、理化指标、微生物指标、农残限量和重金属残留指标必须符合《GB/T 10458-2008 荞麦》、《GB2715-2005 粮食卫生标准》、《食品中农药最大残留限量》、《GB 2762-2012 食品中污染物限量》标准规定,生产过程中的灌溉用水符合《GB 5084-2012 农田灌溉水质》标准规定,生产过程管理、生产技术要求、肥料施用、包装贮藏等管理应符合《DB51T_812-2008 苦荞麦生产技术规程》及农业部有关规定。


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    Elyn Y.
    - June 14, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Rick E.
    - June 14, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Timmi Y.
    - June 13, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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    Jack F.
    - June 05, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Ecofarm is great. Ecofarm is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Ecofarm. I just can't get enough of Ecofarm. I want to get a T-Shirt with Ecofarm on it so I can show it off to everyone.

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